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Product category
Cell Detachment
Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%) in DPBS (1x)

Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%) in DPBS (1x)

  • Product detail
The product name The cat no. volume storage List price
Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%) in DPBS (1x) TRY-1B 100 ml ≤-15°C 8euros

Trypsin-EDTA solution is obtained from porcine pancreas and suitable for cell detachment and dissociation of various cell types. A variety of available formulations suit many applications.



Trypsin-EDTA solutions are used for the detachment of adherent cells from culture surfaces. They are composed of natural porcine pancreas-derived trypsin and EDTA.

The concentration of trypsin necessary to dislodge cells from their substrate is dependent primarily on the cell type and the age of the culture. Various formulations should be tested to determine the best product for a specific application.

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