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Product category
Transfection antibiotic
Blasticidin S, Powder

Blasticidin S, Powder

  • Product detail
The product name The cat no. volume storage List price
Blasticidin S, Powder BLA-1X 100 mg +2°C to +8°C 305euros

Blasticidin S is used as a selection antibiotic that inhibits protein synthesis in bacteria and eukaryotes. Transformed cells containing the resistance genes bls, bsr, or BSD can be selected.



Blasticidin S is a peptidyl nucleoside antibiotic used for the selection of cells expressing the bar gene which encodes for blasticidin deaminase. The antibiotic is active against many bacteria, yeast and animal cells by interfering with the peptide bond formation in the ribosomal machinery of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Blasticidin S is used as a selection antibiotic for mammalian cells in the concentration range of 2 – 10 µg/ml.

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